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The Partition of Ukraine

Zelenskyy is ordering the bombing of potential routes for UN nuclear inspectors.

“Ukrainian forces are shelling a potential route of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission, which is set to examine the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant this week, local authorities claimed on Tuesday.

The Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, situated in the Russian-controlled area of Energodar, seen from Nikopol

Zaporozhye Region council member Vladimir Rogov told RIA Novosti that ‘Ukrainian nationalists are targeting locations that could be visited by the IAEA mission in Energodar’, where the plant is located. He added that ‘Zelenskyy’s regime also started a military operation in the south of the country’, which raises concerns for the safety of the IAEA mission.

Rogov also said Kiev’s forces have shelled the NPP’s resort house that could accommodate the IAEA delegation.

On Monday, IAEA chief Rafael Grossi announced that an expert group would visit the NPP this week to assess the damage sustained by the plant and check the safety and security systems. Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant has been under Russian control since March.

Moscow has repeatedly accused Ukrainian forces of attacking the plant, while warning that the shelling could trigger a disaster that would eclipse the Chernobyl incident. Kiev insists, however, that Russian forces are shelling the site while stationing military hardware there”. -RT

Ukraine now bombing the nuclear inspectors' route and accommodations before they arrive, how crafty.

Russia initially declared that the inspectors would have to reach the plant from the Donbass side, escorted by Russian forces. Their route would not take them through Ukrainian-held territory.

The core strategy of the Ukrainian military has been to use human shields. They squat in densely populated cities while shelling the Russians from outside of the city.

The Russians, on the other hand, have already concluded that they will have to separate the eastern half of Ukraine from the NATO-WEF regime to keep the Russian speakers living there safe from the terrorist attacks of the NATO-backed regime in Kiev.

These bombings indicate that the members of NATO are still willing to play hardball. The Ukrainians will fight because they have to fight or they will be shot as collaborators.

It is considerably difficult for a professional military to win a war against a civilian population without bringing about what is perceived as a humanitarian crisis or even genocide.

Optimally, if Ukraine could be split in an equitable fashion, the Russian-speaking areas could be recognized as their own nation, much like Kaliningrad.

It does not have to end with total existential war, goaded on by the dual citizens in the U.S. state department.