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Chinese Chicanery

Unverified reports of Xi Jinping being overthrown and held under house arrest have been circulating in the news.

“The reports coming out of Beijing could rock the world. Global media has no idea what is going on with Xi Jinping at his home. Honestly, at this point those who want the tyrant to remain in power should forget about his third term; it appears that CCP veterans have already crushed his lust for power.

Chinese netizens have stormed Social Media timelines with reports that Beijing is under military seizure. The world, though, has no idea of what’s happening because the city is eventually cut off from the world.

According to News Highland Vision, former Chinese President, Hu Jintao and former Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao had persuaded Song Ping, the former member of the Standing Committee and retaken control of the Central Guard Bureau (CGB).

For those who don’t know, the purpose of CGB is to provide close personnel protection to members of the Politburo Standing Committee and other CCP leaders. The committee is also responsible for the protection of Xi Jinping.

As Hu and Wen retook control of CGB, information was conveyed to Jiang Zeng and the Central Committee members in Beijing via telephone. The original standing committee members abolished Xi’s military authority at that very moment.

Xi returned to Beijing on the evening of 16th September after learning the truth. However, Xi Jinping was detained at the airport and most probably is currently being held under house arrest in Zhongnanhai’s house”. -Ansh Pandey, TFI Global

Reports of this nature should be met with extreme skepticism.

The unexpected rise of Xi Jinping and his subsequent anti-corruption campaign put an end to the globalist plot to install Hu Jintao as head of state of the People’s Republic of China.

Consequently, due to the success of the Sino-Russian alliance, the globalist Empire has been desperate to use Ukraine to provoke Russia into war with NATO.

Hence why these purported rumors give every indication of being an attempt to bring China back under imperial control and render it neutral in the NATO-Russian conflict.

As with the 2016 U.S.-backed anti-Erdogan coup in Turkey, the extent of inveracity found in the early reports points to a total departure from the truth on the part of the alleged propagator.