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Desegregated Time Bomb

The Democratic Mayor of New Orleans, LaToya Cantrell, has insisted that spending tens of thousands of dollars on first-class plane seats was a necessity because flying economy would be unsafe for a woman of color.

“Cantrell is refusing to refund the $30,000 of taxpayers’ money she spent on the luxury seats to France and Switzerland.

Speaking at a press conference last week, Cantrell insisted that her ‘travel accommodations are a matter of safety, not luxury’. That’s despite her entourage and security staff reportedly traveling coach during the trips.

‘As the mother of a young child whom I live for, I am going to protect myself by any reasonable means in order to ensure I am there to see her grow into the strong woman I am raising her to be’, Cantrell explained, adding that ‘anyone who wants to question how I protect myself just doesn't understand the world black women walk in’.

The mayor took a luxury American Airlines flight to Switzerland back in July and a first-class trip to France earlier this year, insisting that she was ‘doing business on behalf of the city’.

‘All expenses incurred doing business on behalf of the city of New Orleans will not be reimbursed to the city of New Orleans’, LaToya Cantrell said, speaking outside the Nix Library on Thursday.

However, New Orleans’ travel policy for city officials makes it clear that all employees ‘are required to purchase the lowest airfare available’ and that those who choose to upgrade their seats are responsible for the difference in cost.

Furthermore, if the city ends up overpaying for any travel expenses, the employees are required to reimburse the city within 20 business days.

Speaking to Fox 8, the mayor’s staff said they are checking to see if the city policy applies to Cantrell, as she is an elected official and not specifically hired by the city itself.

As reported by 4WWL, Cantrell also spent over $2,800 dollars back in March on a first-class trip to Miami for a US Conference of Mayors, while her entourage spent between $300 and $677.

In January she also reportedly spent $2,300 on a luxury flight to a Conference of Mayors meeting in Washington while her staff paid just $250”. -RT

Meanwhile, violent crime is surging in the city of New Orleans. The “Big Easy” has overtaken St. Louis for the highest homicide rate, achieving the unwanted title of America’s murder capital.

“There have been 205 homicides so far in 2022, up 141% from pre-pandemic levels and 46% higher than this time last year, according to data from the New Orleans Metropolitan Crime Commission. The city’s homicide rate of 52 per 100,000 residents as of last week surpassed the previous US murder leader, St. Louis, where the rate is at less than 45 per 100,000 so far this year.

The New Orleans homicide rate is nearly triple this year’s level in Chicago, one of the most notorious US cities for gun violence. By comparison, New York City has a rate of just 3.5 homicides per 100,000 residents. Murders in New Orleans are running at nearly 15 times that pace.

Carjackings in New Orleans have more than tripled from pre-pandemic levels, and shootings have doubled. With the city’s police department understaffed, the average response time to an emergency call is 2.5 hours, according to a recent study. Nhu Vuh, a 40-year-old cashier in a Vietnamese grocery store, told the Wall Street Journal that when she called police after an angry homeless man assaulted her, an officer didn’t show up until the next day.

With police quitting faster than the city can hire new recruits, the force has about one-third fewer officers than when Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city in 2005. Officer Scott Fanning made headlines last July by quitting in the middle of his shift because of concern that short staffing was making the job too unsafe.

The city’s top prosecutor, District Attorney Jason Williams, took office last year after being elected with campaign funding from billionaire political activist George Soros. Charges have reportedly been dismissed in about two-thirds of felony prosecutions under his watch, and Williams has refused to indict suspects in nearly half of violent felony arrests.

Mayor LaToya Cantrell has called for the city to get tough on crime while at the same time pushing for anti-incarceration policies. The city’s jail population has dropped about 40% since Cantrell took office in 2018. Critics have argued that the mayor hasn’t done enough to support police, and she angered crime victims last month when she showed up in court as a character witness for a 13-year-old who was convicted of carjacking five people in two days. The young robber received a suspended sentence, meaning he was spared any jail time”. -RT

If New Orleans' black female mayor flies first-class because she feels unsafe in economy, one wonders how she’ll be able to sleep at night knowing that the homicide rate in her city is nearly four times that of Chicago and almost twenty times the rate in New York.

The reality is that Blacks, as a whole, have reaped the benefits brought about by the rise of western Christian civilization.

As such, the destruction and adulteration of the European nations will not redound to the advantage of nonwhites who feel antipathy toward European customs, nor to that of anyone else.

To fatuously declare all humanity to be the same unreservedly eliminates the all-important distinction between civilized human population groups and non-civilized ones.

Hence why the exclusive reliance upon the rhetoric of racism is one’s first clue that the multiculturalists and diversity advocates are well aware of the fact that they simply cannot legitimately contest freely available statistics or widespread public observation by utilizing a more dialectical approach.