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Despotism of the Petticoat

Jack Cashill writes a detailed explanation as to why America has been moving leftward since the passage of the 19th Amendment.

“Everywhere and always, men have performed better on political knowledge tests than women (just as conservatives routinely outperform liberals and independents). Researchers exploring this particular gender gap long ago gave up questioning whether this was true and have focused instead on why.

Avoiding the obvious answer — namely, that men and women, being different, have different interests — researchers have spent millions of your tax dollars on the improbable and irrelevant. Among the more popular hypotheses is that women are more risk-averse than men and thus, on tests, are less likely to ‘guess under conditions of uncertainty’. For some reason, it is more acceptable to stereotype women as ‘risk-averse’ than as ‘politics-adverse’. In fact, women, writ large, are likely both.

A survey of 10,000 individuals across ten nations by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) offers a more sobering analysis. What most surprised researcher James Curran of the University of London was that ‘gaps in political knowledge are wider in countries that have done the most to promote gender equality’. Curran noted that women's scores in the U.K., the U.S., and Canada were more than 30 percent lower on average than men's, a significantly greater gender gap than in Greece, Italy, and Korea.

The ESRC data suggest that formal education may actually increase the knowledge gap between men and women. There are reasons why this is so. Historically, married women have tended to vote more conservatively than their unmarried peers. Spousal influence plays a role in their voting, but so does the added awareness of real issues that comes with raising a family and owning a home.

Today, however, more than a third of college-educated women are childless. Then, too, marriage rates among the educated continue to decline as they have over the past 40 years while the age of first marriage continues to increase. In 2021, the average age for a female's first marriage was 28.6, roughly nine years more than 60 years prior.

In the not too distant past, women attended college with the expectation of finding a spouse. Today, they would have much better luck hanging out at a construction site. As late as 1970, there were five men for every four women in America's four-year colleges. By the fall of 2021, there were almost two women for every man.

Once in college, the progressive grooming that began discreetly in high school now publicly and proudly moves to center stage. A study of faculty voter registration at 40 leading U.S. universities showed a more than ten-to-one ratio of Democrats to Republicans with the numbers skewing higher in liberal arts and among young faculty. In some fields, there are no Republicans at all.

Lacking a male counterpoint in their lives and often majoring in subjects with a social justice agenda, college women enter the political arena not so much uninformed as misinformed”. -Jack Cashill,  American Thinker

Along with the way in which frivolous attributes such as hairstyles and tallness reliably affect their voting patterns, women’s "feelings" tend to steer their voting direction.

And, it is absurdly ignorant to suggest that the female right to vote is connected in any way to the female right to inherit property or attend school, given that women were doing both long before 1920.

In fact, women were never denied the right to earn an income and had the right to inherit property for the entire existence of the United States. Despite this point of fact, however, stubbornly insular and woefully maleducated feminists remain undeterred in claiming otherwise by habitually conflating social norms with the law itself.

Abigail Adams, wife of president-to-be John Adams, famously once tried to persuade her husband into extending the franchise to include women, whereupon the second President of the United States wrote her a well-reasoned explanation for why doing so would destroy human liberty, making a case that has been subsequently proven by events.

“We have only the name of masters, and rather than give up this, which would completely subject us to the despotism of the petticoat, I hope General Washington and all our brave heroes would fight”. -John Adams, April 14, 1776

Any nation that wishes to remain prosperous should not permit female involvement in its governance.

“Women consistently and reliably turn towards government as a solution for perceived problems, which creates more intractable problems, which then is used to justify more government intervention. This process is unlikely to stop until the entire edifice collapses of its own weight”. -P.J. O’Rourke

This is why despots from the Italian Fascists to the Soviet Bolsheviks have historically made a priority of female political enfranchisement.

Women’s suffrage was the very first plank in “The Manifesto of the Fascist Struggle”, published in The People of Italy on June 6, 1919, by Benito Mussolini.

While it remains possible that not all women are fascistic at heart, without their votes, fascists would have a much harder time winning over the support of the majority of any electorate.

Additionally, a replication of the Milgram obedience to authority experiment expounds on why the Founding Fathers were wise to limit the vote to about one-fifth of the male population.

“If you are apt to align your lifestyle with whatever is the latest fashion, (and ostracize those who don’t), you are probably also apt to blindly obey high status authority figures telling you what is good for you. If true, then we might speculate that women make better cultural foot soldiers for whichever elite authority is most tangible in their lives, owing to women’s greater propensity to accept authority dictums without question.

We may add to this speculation not only personal observation and confirmatory heaps of anecdotes, but in addition scientific evidence that women are, indeed, more obedient to authority than are men. For example, take this Milgram experiment replication into account:

Charles Sheridan and Richard King hypothesized that some of Milgram’s subjects may have suspected that the victim was faking, so they repeated the experiment with a real victim: a ‘cute, fluffy puppy’ who was given real, albeit harmless, electric shocks. They found similar findings to Milgram: half of the male subjects and all of the females obeyed to the end. Many subjects showed high levels of distress during the experiment and some openly wept. In addition, Sheridan and King found that the duration for which the shock button was pressed decreased as the shocks got higher, meaning that for higher shock levels, subjects showed more hesitance towards delivering the shocks.

All female participants in the Milgram obedience to authority experiment continued shocking the puppy despite their tears”. -Behavioral Study of Obedience, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology

Given the fact that all of the women who partook in the experiment were willing to shock cute little puppies simply because an authority figure told them to do so, it’s difficult for one to accept that women are equally accustomed to restraining their instincts and voluntarily limiting the use of their power and not pushing it to the full extent of its capabilities.

Women’s suffrage took nearly one century to fully realize between the amendment’s passage in Congress in 1919 and its introduction as a federal law in 1920.

In the end, it all came down to a single vote in the Tennessee legislature on August 18, 1920.

For amendments to pass then, three-fourths of the 48 states at the time needed to ratify it within their own governments. Tennessee, which would’ve been the 36th state to pass it, was gridlocked.

Harry T. Burn, a 24-year-old state representative, had planned to vote against the amendment. But in his pocket, he kept a letter from his mother Febb, who’d asked him to “be a good boy” and vote for the amendment that would grant her the right to vote for legislators like her son, according to the National Constitution Center.

The good little momma’s boy obeyed his mother’s wishes. And with his “Aye”, the 19th Amendment passed nationwide.

Under God’s law, a man is required to honor his mother, not submit to her overwrought demands for sanctimonious expressions of fairness and equalitarianism.

“I do not allow a woman to teach or have authority over a man”. 1 Timothy 2:12

Make no mistake, the world of equalitarian feminism is a nightmare world for women. It is a miserable realm of barrenness, loneliness, psychotropic drugs, financial distress, and solitary death.

This is because when given free and full political license, the collective actions of women have reliably had the result of destroying economic growth and demographically diluting the societies in which they live.