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German Deprivation

Less than 24 hours after Nord Stream 2 abruptly went down, Nord Stream 1 looks to have been sabotaged as well.

“Yesterday evening, pressure in the undersea Nord Stream 2 pipeline suddenly collapsed, and gas could be seen bubbling to the surface of the Baltic Sea near the Danish island of Bornholm. Shortly afterwards, reports came of a total collapse in the pressure of our other major undersea pipeline connection to Russia, Nord Stream 1, indicating a further rupture.

Government officials assume that the damage is intentional, and the result of an attack by foreign forces:

Due to the timing, the fact that three separate pipelines were affected, and the severe pressure losses in Nord Stream 1, officials expect the worst. ‘We can no longer imagine any scenario other than a targeted attack’, said a person privy to the assessment by the federal government and federal authorities. They added: ‘Everything speaks against a coincidence’.

Such an attack on the seabed would be anything but trivial; it would have to be carried out with special forces – for example, by navy divers or a submarine, people informed of initial assessments said.

With regard to responsibility for the alleged attacks, two possibilities are being discussed. First, according to initial speculation, Ukrainian or Ukrainian-affiliated forces could be responsible. With the temporary shutdown of the Nord Stream pipelines, gas deliveries from Russia to Germany and Central Europe would only be possible via the Yamal pipelinje running through Poland or the Ukrainian pipeline network.

The piece that I’ve bolded is of course a lightly disguised reference to the United States or NATO. This should surprise nobody: President Biden said in early February that in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, ‘there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2, we will bring an end to it’”. -Eugyppius

This destruction of Europe’s energy lifelines underlines the truth of Henry Kissinger’s famous aphorism:

“To be an enemy of the U.S. is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal”.

Germany will likely have to wave the white flag if it wants to get through the winter without Russia taking any aggressive or punitive steps to intentionally reduce Europe’s energy needs or otherwise harm the European economies.

However, under the leadership of insane women such as Annalena Baerbock, Germany appears hellbent on freezing itself if it means defying Russia.

“German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Berlin's support for Ukraine would not falter in the face of reduced Russian energy supplies as she arrived on Saturday for her second visit to the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

‘We will stand by Ukraine for as long as necessary’, Baerbock said in a statement, adding that German support would include arms, as well humanitarian and financial aid.

In May, Baerbock became the first member of the German government to visit Kiev since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, which Moscow calls ‘a special military operation’.

Germany, along with other European Union countries, is scrambling to support homes and industries burdened by a further surge in energy prices after Russia halted supplies through the Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline.

‘(Vladimir) Putin is banking on us tiring of our compassion for Ukraine's suffering’, Baerbock said.

‘This plan will not and must not work out because all of Europe knows that Ukraine is defending our peace and security order’, she added”. -Ludwig Burger and Alexander Ratz, Reuters

First proposed by United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry C. Morgenthau Jr. in 1944, the Morgenthau Plan was a scheme to starve over twenty-five million Germans, break them apart, and turn their country into an agricultural country with no industry.

Dwight Eisenhower was present in Southern England during the inception of the Morgenthau Plan on August 7th, 1944.

Eisenhower was, if anything, more eager to implement Morgenthau’s genocidal plan than Morgenthau himself.

Eisenhower would go on to carry out his own version of the Morgenthau Plan which came to be known as the Rhine Meadows Death Camps.

Ever since the end of the Second World War, Germany has not been a fully sovereign country. It is, to this day, heavily occupied by U.S. troops.

Today, Jews in charge of both the U.S. State Department, such as Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, whose husband, Robert Kagan, was a co-founder of Project for a New American Century (P.N.A.C.), along with the ones in charge of the operation in Ukraine such as Vladimir Zelenskyy are in the process of forcing the German people though another “Hunger Winter”.

In the winter of 1946/1947, Germany experienced what was dubbed the Hungerwinter in German.

A coal shortage, due only in part to the coal exported by the Allies from the Ruhr region, meant people had trouble heating their homes.

The “White Death”, as the Germans called it, took its victims. How many people died as a result of hunger, cold, and illness in this period is unknown. Some historians estimate hundreds of thousands.

Now that the global imperialists headquartered in the United States and NATO are attempting to prevent the European nations from surrendering to Russia, the electricity shortages and unpayable fuel prices for many households has Germany facing a new potential “Hunger Winter” this upcoming season.