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Nazi Mouseketeers

The Pentagon invited members of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion to Disney World to participate in the 2022 Department of Defense Warrior Games where Jon Leibowitz, a.k.a. Jon Stewart, honored a Ukrainian Neo-Nazi with the “Heart of the Team" award.

“Defense Department-sponsored ‘Warrior Games’ featured liberal comedian Jon Stewart awarding a member of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion at Disney World. The Pentagon refused to tell The Grayzone whether U.S. taxpayers funded the foreign competitors’ travel.

Jon Stewart awarded a Ukrainian military veteran named Ihor Halushka the ‘Heart of the Team’ award for ‘inspiring his team’ with his ‘personal example’.

Halushka happens to have been a member of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which has been armed by the U.S. and integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard. The award-winning ultra-nationalist wore a sleeve over his left arm as he accepted the prize, presumably to cover up his tattoo of the Nazi Sonnenrad, or Black Sun.

Ihor Halushka’s Sonnenrad Black Sun tattoo is visible on his left elbow

The pair are part of a team of forty Ukrainian veterans participating in the Warrior Games. They were joined at the ceremony for this year’s competition by Darius Rucker, the former vocalist for the glorified bar band Hootie & the Blowfish, and liberal comedian Jon Stewart.

During the closing ceremony, Stewart awarded the Azov Battalion’s Halushka with the ‘Heart of the Team’ award. The announcer proclaimed that Ihor ‘inspires his team with his personal example and his unique sense of humor. Sgt. First Class Ihor Halushka embodies the spirit and determination that is the heart of Team Ukraine’.

Jon Stewart shaking hands with Ihor Halushka

Prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February of this year, mainstream outlets from the Daily Beast to Vox to Foreign Policy, and even the U.S. government propaganda outlet Voice of America, have each acknowledged the Azov Battalion’s embrace of Nazism. Right Sector group has been similarly identified as a fascist organization. Since the invasion, however, Western corporate media has downplayed the presence of Nazis in the Ukrainian armed forces as groups like Azov have taken on prominent front-line roles.

Halushka has never been shy about his ties to the Azov Battalion. During the Invictus Games this April, he whipped out an Azov flag as he accepted a gold medal, which was hosted in The Hague – where war criminals are normally tried, not awarded. Likewise, in Orlando, Haluskha wore an Azov Battalion t-shirt as he accepted a gold medal for indoor rowing. He was honored days later as the ‘heart’ of his team.

While the presence of neo-Nazis within Ukraine’s fighting forces may come as little surprise to critical observers of NATO’s conflict with Russia, their invitation to Disney World by the Department of Defense is without a doubt one of the weirdest episodes in the Ukraine proxy war”. -Alexander Rubinstein, The Grayzone

When the Russians speak about “de-nazifying” Ukraine, they aren’t talking about a long-defunct German political party from the 1930s.

Ukraine isn’t their primary enemy any more than Austria or Poland were the primary enemies of Germany during the Second World War.

The Russian special military operation has always been a war of a sovereign nation against the globalist army of NATO-Nazis and was in reaction to a series of ongoing attacks on the Russian people of the Donbass for more than eight years.

Zelenskyy was supposedly elected on a promise to peacefully settle the Donbass war. The postulation of a possible conflict resolution was seen as overwhelmingly popular with the majority of the people of southern and eastern Ukraine. 

Not before long, he decided not to return the Minsk peace agreement.

Then Crimea democratically left Ukraine (unlike how it became part of Ukraine) and Russia  did not seize any territory in Donbass until February 22, 2022.

Back in 1953, the CIA had implemented a plan that was devised to instigate Nazification in Ukraine, in hopes of destabilizing the Soviet Union. Decades later, it seems like the project was a resounding success.

“The recent declassification of over 3800 documents by the Central Intelligence Agency provides detailed proof that since 1953 the CIA operated two major programs intent on not only destabilizing Ukraine but Nazifying it with followers of the World War II Ukrainian Nazi leader Stepan Bandera”. -Wayne Madsen, Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine

Like Disney, if you're someone who’s flying a Ukrainian flag outside your home or toadyishly making known that you “Stand with Ukraine” on social media, you deserve to be forced to pay for every penny of the economic cost of the proxy war to this nation.

Not just for woeful ignorance either, but for the inexcusable act of gross obsequience toward a deceitful group of self-selected, self-serving international elitists who seek to establish a global order that isn’t even relatively new, but rather, is the modern manifestation of an ancient evil.