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Racialist Infastructure

United States Transportation Secretary and invert, Pete Buttigieg, awards massive federal grant to dismantle “racist” highways.

“The $104.6 million is among $1.5 billion in transportation grants handed out to twenty-six projects nationwide thanks to increased funding from the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law.

It allows Michigan to move forward on its $270 million effort to transform the stretch in Detroit into a street-level boulevard, reconnecting surrounding neighborhoods and adding amenities, such as bike lanes. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has said he would make racial justice a priority in his department's funding awards, pledging wide-ranging help to communities. Black Bottom and Paradise Valley, two of the city's predominantly African American neighborhoods, were razed as part of the 1950s creation of an interstate highway system, displacing 100,000 Black residents and erecting a decades-long barrier between the downtown and communities to the east.

Hailed by city and state leaders as helping rectify a past racial wrong, the federal money represents a key first step that advocacy groups say will inspire dozens of citizen-led efforts underway in other cities to dismantle highways.

Still, advocates cautioned that Michigan's plan to build a six-lane city boulevard risks simply replacing one busy roadway with another. Some long-time Black residents, meanwhile, worry they could be priced out of the city by new business development and shiny condo buildings that promise direct links to downtown.

After years of planning dating back to 2013, the highway removal is now estimated to begin as soon as 2025, two years earlier than expected, with construction finished by 2028.

‘This stretch of I-375 cuts like a gash through the neighborhood, one of many examples I have seen in communities across the country where a piece of infrastructure has become a barrier’, Buttigieg told The Associated Press. He joined Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan later Thursday in Detroit along with several Black residents to highlight the grant.

‘With these funds, we're now partnering with the state and the community to transform it into a road that will connect rather than divide’, Buttigieg said”. -Hope Yen, Yahoo News

This should work about as well as forced busing did in the 1970s.

The problem the egalitarians in this country face is that due to the civil rights movement in the United States, Americans  of European ancestry preponderantly shed what Rudyard Kipling once described as the “White Man’s Burden” and, for the most part, tried to do the best they could to remove themselves from proximity to, and responsibility for, African-American peoples.

Yet, Caucasians who consider themselves to be “anti-racist” multiculturalists will, undoubtedly, refuse to consider the observable, socially deleterious effects that racial disintegration appears to have had in doing away with the civilizational restraints that were previously imposed upon the minority communities against their will.

When one considers that it took the English and German descendants over a century to become civilized after their first contact with advanced Greco-Roman civilization, it shouldn’t be too painful to somewhat sympathize with a people who have comprehensively failed to do the same in approximately a quarter of the amount of time at an intercontinental scale of geographical distance between their native soil and their host nation.