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A Righteous Scam Artist

A New York man received $21,000 in gift cards after bringing more than a hundred 3D-printed guns to the state attorney general's buyback event in Utica.

“A man who identified himself only as ‘Kem’ saw people tweeting about using 3D printers to make guns for the sole purpose of selling them for big bucks at gun buyback programs, like the one the New York State Attorney General's Office held at the Utica Police Department last month. He got to work on a $200 3D printer he got for Christmas.

Then, he drove six hours to Utica.

This began a haggling and negotiating session with Attorney General's Office staff that lasted all day long.

‘And it ended with the guy and a lady from the budget office finally coming around with the 42 gift cards and counting them in front of me’, said Kem. ‘$21,000 in $500 gift cards’.

A few weeks ago, NEWSChannel 2 contacted the state Attorney General's Office, asking if they knew this might be happening. They didn't answer the question, responding only that the Utica gun buyback was a big success and that the program, in general, keeps New York families safe.

‘I'm sure handing over $21,000 in gift cards to some punk kid after getting a bunch of plastic junk was a rousing success’, laughed Kem. ‘Gun buybacks are a fantastic way of showing, number one, that your policies don't work, and, number 2, you're creating perverse demand. You're causing people to show up to these events, and, they don't actually reduce crime whatsoever’.

Utica police referred all questions to the Attorney General's Office. 

A statement sent from a spokesperson at the Attorney General's Office on Wednesday said:

‘It’s shameful that this individual exploited a program that has successfully taken thousands of guns off the streets to protect our communities from gun violence. We have partnered with local police throughout the state to recover more than 3,500 guns, and one individual’s greedy behavior won’t tarnish our work to promote public safety. We have adjusted our policies to ensure that no one can exploit this program again for personal gain’”. -Joleen Ferris, WKTV

The Attorney General's Office has since updated its guidelines to consider 3D-printed firearms, which did not have an associated cost, unlike non-working and antique guns, which were bought back for $25, or untraceable ghost guns (those without serial numbers) for $100.

If New Yorkers were genuinely perturbed by this sort of flagrant waste of taxpayer funds, they certainly wouldn’t so realizably elect untrustworthy and corrupt civil servants like New York State Attorney General Letitia James who has effectively legalized minor crime during her time in office.

The farcical nature of this savvy individual collecting $21,000 from the gun buyback program underlines the frivolousness and unaffectedness of these government policies purportedly aimed at reducing violent crime.

Unless, of course, the actual purpose of these wasteful spectacles is to enable bureaucrats such as Letitia James to pose self-righteously as staunch opponents of gun violence.

As for our sly cheat, Kem, I would advise him to be sure to pay every last cent in taxes he owes to the government. The most common form of retribution for those who cause state operations to be a source of mockery is an unforgiving string of IRS audits and railroading from state and federal authorities.