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Germany Must Perish

Dr. E. Michael Jones gives an explanation as to how the attacks on the Nordstream pipelines signify the culmination of the abusive relationship which America had established with Germany after defeating her in World War II.

“When Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister got an advance copy of the Morgenthau plan, he referred to it in one of his most effective radio broadcasts as ‘den Plan des Juden Morgenthaus, den 80 Millionen deutschen ihre Industrie beraubt und aus Deutschland ein einzige Kartoffelfeld gemacht werde’. (The Jew Morgenthau’s plan to rob 80 million Germans of their industry and turn Germany into a potato patch.) When it became clear that the Jews who had the upper hand in the Roosevelt administration were determined not to drive the Nazis from power but to exterminate the German people, Germans united behind Goebbels, whose response was ‘Niemals. Das kaeme nicht in Frage’. As in the current situation in the Ukraine, Jewish intransigence made negotiations impossible and resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.

The military opposed the Morgenthau Plan, contending that it amounted to adding divisions of German soldiers to the waning years of the war. They were proven right after the intransigence of the Jews in the Roosevelt Administration eventually backfired by strengthening the Germans in their resolve to fight to the last man. On December 11th, 1944, OSS operative William Donovan sent Roosevelt a telegraph message from Bern, warning him of the consequences that the knowledge of the Morgenthau plan had had on German resistance:

‘So far, the Allies have not offered the opposition any serious encouragement. On the contrary, they have again and again welded together the people and the Nazis by statements published, either out of indifference or with a purpose. To take a recent example, the Morgenthau plan gave Dr. Goebbels the best possible chance. He was able to prove to his countrymen, in black and white, that the enemy planned the enslavement of Germany. The conviction that Germany had nothing to expect from defeat but oppression and exploitation still prevails, and that accounts for the fact that the Germans continue to fight. It is not a question of a regime, but of the homeland itself, and to save that, every German is bound to obey the call, whether he be Nazi or member of the opposition’.

The Morgenthau plan began as a memo entitled ‘Program to Prevent Germany from starting a World War II’, which got handed from Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. to Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the Quebec conference in 1944. The author of the memo was Harry Dexter White, Morgenthau’s assistant, and like him a Jew who was deeply concerned about the plight of fellow Jews in Europe. White was also a communist spy whose Jewish animus against the German people was exacerbated by a desire to make their lives so miserable that they would welcome the Soviets with open arms.

The gist of the Morgenthau plan was included in the first item of the memo entitled ‘Demilitarization of Germany’, which claimed:

It should be the aim of the Allied Forces to accomplish the complete demilitarization of Germany in the shortest possible period of time after surrender. This means completely disarming the German Army and people (including the removal or destruction of all war material), the total destruction of the whole German armament industry, and the removal or destruction of other key industries which are basic to military strength.

The memo deliberately played down the draconian nature of Morgenthau’s plan in an attempt to calm Roosevelt’s fear of a revolt against Semitic vengeance which was gaining ground in the State Department under Cordell Hull. In a book which got published after Roosevelt’s death, Morgenthau was more candid about his plans. Disarming Germany wasn’t enough. Germany had to be deprived of the industrial basis that created those armaments in the first place. . . . ‘it would seem rather obvious that to disarm Germany in any real sense of the word is to remove the industries that would make rearmament possible’.

Like Germany’s Green Party in the 21st century, the Morgenthau plan also called for depriving Germany of the energy she needed for her factories. As of 1944, when Harry Dexter White concocted the Morgenthau Plan, the chief source of German energy was coal. Morgenthau complained that:

‘Even after the removal of all Ruhr factories that escaped destruction in the war, the mines would remain a potential source of German rearmament. The coal cannot be taken away from the Ruhr (except by the trainload as it is mined), so the Ruhr should be taken away from Germany’.

In order to accomplish that, Morgenthau proposed the ethnic cleansing of Germans from the Ruhr valley, the industrial heartland of Germany: ‘Of course, no German should sit on the Ruhr’s governing commission. In fact, no Germans should be left in the Ruhr at all… The people would not be under alien rule because they would not be there. Their places would be taken by French, Belgian, Dutch and other workers’.

Morgenthau planned to put the 5 million industrial workers his plan displaced from their jobs to work on farms, ‘bringing the total agricultural labor force up to 14,000,000’, without mentioning the fact that German agriculture was incapable of feeding its population, even using modern industrial methods. Morgenthau’s plan amounted in other words to the deliberate starvation of 20 percent of the German people.

During the run up to the attack on Nordstream, Americans were subjected to a concerted attempt to rehabilitate Morgenthau. In addition to Ken Burns’ documentary The U.S. and the HolocaustPoliticopublished an article on Morgenthau, based on a forthcoming biography by Andrew Meier, claiming that he ‘used his close ties with Roosevelt to expose rampant antisemitism in the State Department that thwarted America’s efforts to provide refuge for Jews imperiled by Hitler’.

Missing from the Politico article is any mention of the opposition of the State Department ‘anti-Semites’ to the Morgenthau Plan, which allowed Roosevelt’s Secretary of the Treasury to ‘present a plan for the post-war treatment of German, a fantastically complicated subject for which Morgenthau had no training at all’. Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Secretary and Cordell Hull, the U.S. Secretary of State, ‘were both horrified at the plan’ as were ex-President Herbert Hoover and the American people when they found out about it. Both Hull and U.S. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson knew that ‘the Morgenthau Plan would mean the deaths of some twenty million Germans by starvation and exposure’. A German Red Cross official had predicted ‘an infant mortality rate of 80-90 percent for winter 1945-46, amid scenes of desolation hard to believe in modern times’.

Wikipedia says that the Morgenthau plan was never implemented based on an overly literal reading of the fact that Directive 1067, the government’s name for the Morgenthau plan got replaced by Directive 1779 in the spring of 1947 after the Germans had suffered through das Hungerjahr of 1946-1947. This claim ignores the fact that General Dwight D. Eisenhower was an avid supporter of the Morgenthau Plan. He was in the tent in England at the time of its inception and, unlike Morgethau, he was in Germany at the end of the War and in a position to implement it against the captured German soldiers he refused to declare prisoners of war by depriving them of food, water, and shelter in the notorious Rheinwiesenlager even before the Hungerwinter of 1946-1947 when ‘the Morgenthau boys’ were busy starving German civilians to death.

Eisenhower supported the genocidal Morgenthau plan from its inception in August 1944, even though ‘it caused quarrels among the Western Allies because they feared the communists would exploit the misery the Morgenthau Plan would create in Germany’. Fred Smith, one of Morgenthau’s aides who was in the tent when the plan was hatched in southern England on August 7th, 1944, reported that Eisenhower was if anything more eager to implement Morgenthau’s genocidal plan than Morgenthau himself. Eisenhower, like Morgenthau, felt that the German people, not just the Nazis, ‘were guilty of supporting the regime and that made them a party to the entire German project, and he personally would like to see things made good and hard for them for a while. He pointed out that talk of letting Germany off easy after taking care of the top people came from those who feared Russia and wanted to strengthen Germany as a potential bulwark against any desires Russia might someday have . . . .’ As a consequence of the Morgenthau Plan:

‘Well over sixty million people were deliberately pushed to the edge of death by starvation. In Hamburg in 1946, in the British zone of occupation, one touring British writer said that about 100,000 people were in the last stages of starvation with hunger oedema. In Düsseldorf and many other cities, people lived like rats in a few square feet of wet basement under a heap of rubble’.

Proof that Eisenhower’s ruthless treatment of the German soldiers was, in fact, his implementation of the Morgenthau Plan can be deduced from the fact that he ‘began to carry it out on his own initiative in 1944’, a year before the Germans surrendered:

The first to suffer were the German prisoners. American prison camps under Eisenhower’s command in France were kept far below the standards set by the Geneva Convention. These camps were described by Lt. Col. Henry W. Allard, who was in charge of the US camps in France in 1945: ‘The standards of PW [prisoner of war] camps in the ComZ [the US Army’s rear zone] in Europe compare as only slightly better or even with the living conditions of the Japanese PW camps our men tell us about, and unfavourably with the Germans’. To maintain such camps was a war crime punishable by death, according to the Americans after the war. They shot Japanese General Masaharu Homma in 1946 for maintaining camps in approximately the conditions described by Allard.

Shortly after Germany surrendered on May 8th, 1945, Eisenhower ‘sent out an urgent courier throughout the huge area that he commanded, making it a crime punishable by death for German civilians to feed prisoners’. It was even a death-penalty crime to gather food together in one place to take it to prisoners’. Eisenhower’s order specified that:

‘Under no circumstances may food supplies be assembled among the local inhabitants in order to deliver them to the prisoners of war. Those who violate this command and nevertheless try to circumvent this blockade to allow something to come to the prisoners place themselves in danger of being shot’.

Martin Brech, who served as a guard at the camp at Andernach in 1945 testified that he was told by an officer that ‘it is our policy that these men not be fed’. That meant that the 50,000 to 60,000 men who were held in Andernach ‘were starving, living with no shelter in holes in the ground, trying to nourish themselves on grass’. Brech also confirmed that:

Eisenhower’s terror policy was harshly enforced down to the lowest level of camp guard. At the time that Brech was ordered to stop feeding prisoners on pain of being shot himself, it scarcely seemed credible to him that the army intended these prisoners to die. Now, seeing the new evidence in 1995, Brech has said that, ‘It is clear that in fact it was the policy to shoot any civilians trying to feed the prisoners’. German prisoner Hanns Scharf watched as a woman and her two children attempted to bring wine into the camp at Bad Kreuznach. She asked the American guard ‘to give the bottle to her husband, who was just inside the wire. The guard upended the bottle into his own mouth, and when it was empty, threw it on the ground and killed the prisoner with five shots’.

Most German civilians died from lack of food when world production of food was 97 percent pre-war levels, and food from German civilians was being burned outside of the camps. To prevent popular outrage, the Germans were told that the famine was worldwide, yet ‘They were dying seventeen months to five years after the German surrender’ while at the same time they were prevented ‘from receiving charitable help, and from earning their own bread. They went on dying while world food production climbed ever higher. The great majority of the dead Germans were women, children and very old men’.

The Allies continued to deprive German women and children of food that was readily available:

‘Foreign relief agencies were prevented from sending food from abroad; Red Cross food trains were sent back to Switzerland; all foreign governments were denied permission to send food to German civilians; fertilizer production was sharply reduced; and food was confiscated during the first year, especially in the French zone. The fishing fleet was kept in port while people starved. British soldiers actually blew up one fishing boat in front of the eyes of astonished Germans’.

The deliberate starvation of the German people outraged Americans like U.S. Senator Kenneth Wherry who exclaimed to the Truman administration that food was not scarce, ‘for there was plenty in the civilian and the military stores …. The truth is that there are thousands upon thousands of tons of military rations in our surplus stockpiles that have been spoiling right in the midst of starving populations’.

At another point Wherry said, ‘The American people should know . . . they are being made the unwilling accomplices in the crime of mass starvation . . . Germany is the only nation where UNRRA is not permitted to feed its nationals. Germany is the only nation subjected to a deliberate starvation policy of 1,500 calories per day’.

At the same time that the Americans were depriving the German people of food, they were engaged in a massive looting operation, which seized between $4.8 billion and $12 billion in intellectual property alone, apart from the seizure of foreign assets and shipping, and the machinery, food, timber and coal that flowed out east and west.

For 50 years evidence documenting Allied atrocities committed against the German people was buried, both figuratively in the archives and literally in the meadows which housed the camps. Former prisoners at the Rheinwiesenlager are now actively involved in ‘trying to uncover the truth behind the historical forgeries which have been accepted as real up to now’. Sometimes the discoveries are more literal, as when excavations for a new power plant at Lambach in Austria in early 1996 revealed a mass grave on an 80m square site near the river Traun. Revelations like this demand increased repression of the sort which happened when ‘west German farmer Otto Tullius was prevented by the police from digging his own land for evidence of prisoners on the site of a former American/French camp’. Whether the flooding which occurred in July 2021 actually uncovered the bones of the soldiers that Eisenhower starved to death was irrelevant compared to the psychic threat any exhumation of the past posed to those whose grip on political power was based on repression of the truth about what really happened to the German people after World War II.

Over the course of the summer of 1945, Patton began to have second thoughts about the enemy he had just defeated and the Allies who had contributed to America’s victory over Nazi Germany. Now that the war was over, the American press had found a new enemy in General Patton. When he told reporters in a press conference in Regensburg on May 8, 1945 that he planned to treat captured SS troops no differently than other German POWs, because ‘SS means no more in Germany than being a Democrat in America’, America’s best general was crucified in the press, despite the fact that he asked not to be quoted. During the same summer of 1945, Eisenhower dragooned Patton into implementing the Morgethau Plan, which involved driving Germans out of the few dwellings that were left habitable after the Allied bombing campaign ‘to make room for more than a million Jewish DPs’. In his diary, Patton noted:

‘Today we received orders . . . in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc? . . . We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles’.

Patton’s ‘Anglo-Saxon’ sense of fair play was outraged as well by the Nuremberg trials which seemed determined, in combination with the Morgenthau plan, to treat every German who survived the war as war criminal. In a letter which was dated September 14th, 1945, Patton told his wife, ‘I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff. It is not cricket and is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POWs to work as slaves in foreign lands (i.e., the Soviet Union’s Gulags), where many will be starved to death’.

As his comment indicates, the common denominator uniting the policies he was being forced to implement was the Jewish desire for revenge against the German people. In another letter to his wife he wrote, ‘I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it’.

As a newly created administrator of the country he had just conquered, Patton was forced to deal with the Soviet army in a much more concrete way than when he was a general. He soon began to make invidious comparisons between former enemies and current allies. On July 21th, 1945, he told his wife that: ‘Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It’s said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed’.

Patton became convinced that the military victory he achieved had simply enabled the communist takeover of eastern Europe, and that that takeover was simply the prelude to allowing Stalin to swallow the rest of Europe after the war with the help of Jews like Morgenthau and his assistant Harry Dexter White, another Jew who also happened to be a spy for the Soviet Union.

On August 31th he wrote: ‘Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. it’s a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans’. And on September 2nd: ‘What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole’.

On September 22nd, the press launched another campaign to portray Patton as a crypto-Nazi, and at this point the scales fell from his eyes. In a diary entry dated the evening of the same day, Patton concluded that:

‘There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs. . . . They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. They were evidently quite shocked when I told them I would kick nobody out without the successful proof of guilt before a court of law . . . . Another point which the press harped on was the fact that we were doing too much for the Germans to the detriment of the DP’s, most of whom are Jews. I could not give the answer to that one, because the answer is that, in my opinion and that of most nonpolitical officers, it is vitally necessary for us to build Germany up now as a buffer state against Russia. In fact, I am afraid we have waited too long’.

Reacting to the press campaign against Patton, Eisenhower decided to remove him from his duties as military governor and ‘kick him upstairs’ by giving him command of the Fifteenth Army. As a result of what he now saw as a Jewish conspiracy against him and the fact that his military superiors were part of it, Patton made up his mind to resign his military commission and take his case to the American people. Patton died in a hospital in December 1945 under circumstances which indicated that the fix was already in. America would get its war hero president, but that president would be Dwight D. Eisenhower, who would gain political office with the help of C.D. Jackson and the Hollywood/CIA cabal which had created the Holocaust narrative to exonerate him from the war crimes he had committed as administrator of the Rheinwiesenlager”. -E. Michael Jones, Germania Delenda Est

With a more sensible foreign policy, perhaps there would never have been any motive for America to have fought against the Germans, especially in WWI.

In his 1916 presidential run for office, Woodrow Wilson’s campaign slogan was, “He kept us out of the War”. Yet, within days of his March 1917 Inauguration for a second term, he appeared before a joint assembly of the House and the Senate and requested a Declaration of War against Germany and its associated Central Powers.

World War I created several consequences which led to a second World War including the impact of the Treaty of Versailles and the failure of the League of Nations.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt summarily rejected Germany’s attempt to surrender to the Western Allies in April 1943, despite the fact that Stalin was not only willing to accept an end to the war, but offered Germany a separate peace in two rounds of negotiations held in Stockholm through the spring of 1943.

The Morgenthau Plan was paused only by the 1951 Bretton Woods Agreement, which was the real reason behind the so-called "German economic miracle" that began in 1953.

As for the current day, in the wake of the attack on the Nordstream pipelines, Germany now faces a repeat of the same policy of energy starvation and de-industrialization that Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. proposed as the best way to “prevent Germany from starting a World War III”.

Dr. E. Michael Jones has asserted in his writings how the most recent generations of Germans were morally and intellectually shaped by Jewish-American social engineering.

It appears that until a rather seismic change takes place, the rot of German politics will continue to go against the interests of the German people.

The pipelines can be repaired, and countless German lives can still be spared, but only if Germany abandons its servitude to the neocolonial Empire of the West by promptly making peace with the Russians and pulling out of NATO.