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Secret Society Sedition

Donald J. Trump has called for a new 2020 election and even re-truthed Q-post number eleven.

“Donald Trump spent Tuesday morning feverishly sharing content from supporters on his social media platform Truth Social, posting or re-posting more than 60 times since early Tuesday morning, including content from QAnon accounts and the far-right message board 4chan.

Trump is spending his morning on Truth Social directly posting 4chan and Q messages, a day after calling to be reinstated as president. He’s doing explicitly what he used to try to shade or use coded language for.

In the face of a DOJ probe over his post-presidency handling of classified documents, Trump has sought reassurance from his most loyal followers, including accounts like ‘Patriotic American Alpha Sauce’ and ‘ULTRA-MAGA 4LIFE’ who post memes lauding the former president.

Trump using Truth Social to push QAnon content isn’t new. Alongside jabs at Biden and prominent Democrats, ‘Trump has amplified QAnon-promoting accounts at least 70 times since joining and actively using Truth Social’, Media Matters Senior Researcher Alex Kaplan tweeted on Monday.

Trump has now amplified QAnon-promoting accounts at least 70 times since joining and actively using Truth Social.

Trump last night amplified 2 different QAnon accounts 2 times each (so 4 times in total).

Among his Tuesday morning posting spree, Trump ‘re-truthed’ the text of a message from Q, the conspiracy deity claiming to be a high-ranking government official with Q level security clearance, and whose adherents believe Trump will save America from a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles.

Trump has thrown red meat at QAnon believers of his base in the past. The signs and slogans of the conspiracy are not an uncommon sight at Trump rallies and events. The former president refused on multiple occasions to denounce QAnon, which has been deemed a potential terror threat. As recently as earlier this month, Trump posted a video of himself to Truth Social that featured a song affiliated with QAnon”. -Nikki McCann Ramirez, Rolling Stone

The deep state’s seditious crimes will be what destroys them all. The Mar-a-Lago raid has backfired and the public has seen how the FBI interfered in the 2020 Presidential election. It’s only a matter of time before decertification happens and the documents are actually used against them in court.

Presumably, Trump will call on special prosecutor John Durham to move forward. The American people need to know the truth.

Trump set the stage to prove that the deep state interfered in the 2020 election. Each part of the election fraud case is coming together.

It must be done right, it must be done according to the rule of law, and it must be proven in the court of law.

The Mar-a-Lago raid trapped the FBI, and the agents who took documents who did not have clearance have committed espionage.

Trump is likely getting all his ducks in a row and is readying for the next phase once the midterms are over.

And there is nothing that can stop this avalanche. It’s all coming down.