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A Modernized Mujahideen

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing near the Russian embassy in Afghanistan.

“Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) has claimed responsibility for Monday’s suicide bombing in Kabul. The blast occurred not far from the entrance to the Russian embassy in the Afghan capital and killed 25 people, including two embassy staff members.

The terrorist group claimed that the attack was carried out by a foreign fighter. According to some reports, the attack was launched by a local Islamic State offshoot, ISIS-K.

It is the first attack on a diplomatic mission in Afghanistan claimed by ISIS since the 2021 Taliban takeover. Earlier, the Russian Investigative Committee confirmed that an assistant secretary and a security guard – both Russian nationals – were killed in the blast.

According to media reports, most victims were Afghans queuing for visas. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that security at the mission was enhanced in the wake of the attack. The killed embassy staffers were also mourned with a minute of silence during Lavrov’s talks with his Tajik counterpart Sirojiddin Muhriddin in Moscow.

Russia has been among the few nations to maintain a diplomatic mission in Kabul since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan a year ago.

Afghanistan has repeatedly seen terrorist attacks since the 2021 takeover, which the Taliban has blamed on ISIS-K. In mid-August, a powerful explosion hit a Kabul mosque during evening prayers, killing dozens of people”. -RT

Considering that the mujahideen in Afghanistan was initially intended and armed as a U.S. strategic asset against the Soviet Union, it wouldn’t be terribly surprising to learn that the Islamic State is a similar arrangement.

In the spirit of transparency with the Islamic State accepting full culpability for their actions in Kabul, the C.I.A. ought to take accountability for the inception of the Wahabi terrorist organization.

It’s a pity so many Europeans overlook the fact that it was Russia defending Europe against the surge of Islamic refugees who fled west during the Syrian Civil War throughout the Obama Administration, whereas the United Nations and the United States prior to Donald Trump’s presidency had been actively fostering the migrant invasion of Europe.

Ever since the U.S. neocon-inspired Ukrainian coup in February of 2014, Vladimir Putin has known beyond any shadow of a doubt that the United States isn’t afraid to enter into his backyard.

Understanding that bidding one’s time would be riskier for Russia than taking aggressive action, Putin was never going to shy away from interfering with the western plan to overthrow Assad in Syria under the guise of fighting ISIS.

Still, this is why Russia’s priority remains to put an end to the various neocon-inspired imperialist offensives across Europe and the Middle East.

So far, Russia has refrained from striking back directly against its real enemy as opposed to just fighting with the multiple layers of proxies forces.

One can’t help but wonder how much longer that trend will continue until the increasingly anticipated Russo-NATO conflict eventually comes to a head.