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The Father of Lies

Disney airs a diabolical satanic cartoon wherein the plot features demonic pagan rituals and a single mom knocked up by the devil.

“Last week, Disney continued down its path to destruction, releasing a new cartoon entitled Little Demon, and it is just as bad as it sounds.

The Walt Disney Company, which now owns the FXX Network after acquiring 20th Century Fox.

‘Disney has announced that FX’s new animated horror-comedy series ‘Little Demon’ will begin streaming on Disney+ in Australia and New Zealand on Wednesday, September 21, 2022.

The series currently debuts new episodes on Thursdays on FXX and streams the next day on Hulu. The show is also expected to arrive on Disney+ in other countries’, according to Disney Plus Informer.

The cartoon takes place 13 years after an unmarried pagan woman is impregnated by Satan (voice played by Danny Devito) and follows her and her daughter (literally the spawn of Satan and referred to as the Antichrist) through everyday life.

The series features demonic witchcraft, pagan rituals, gratuitous blood, gore, and nudity, and judging by the trailer (included here, but not recommended) can easily be considered pornographic by definition.

YouTuber Nick Jones points out that, while the cartoon is an ‘adult comedy’, it will undoubtedly attract the eyes of young viewers. But perhaps even more sinister is how spiritually undiscerning adults are being targeted with the normalization of satanic, demonic and pagan ideas through the use of a comedic cartoon, that will further desensitize themselves and their children to this kind of evil.

One Million Moms, an organization whose goal is to stop the exploitation of children, writes:

Along with other Disney-associated productions such as Maleficent, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, and The Owl House, this new adult cartoon series, Little Demon, is also set in a spiritually demonic realm.

According to Deadline, a Hollywood online news source, ‘Among other shenanigans, the comedy … shows Laura [the mother] nude with no pixilation. She strips down in the first episode to perform a ritual, while there are multiple instances of nudity throughout the series’.

Series creator Seth Kirschner told reporters, ‘We are going to keep going for it until we are told no’.

The Bible tells us clearly in Isaiah 8:19-22 of a spiritual realm that is not of God. It warns us not to participate in witchcraft or consult with mediums but to call on God. Deuteronomy 18:10-11 also warns us to avoid witchcraft in all forms.

Disney seems to be dead set on continuing their march into darkness as we previously reported, Disney announced that they created a task force to create more LGBTQ content for children, and recently announced casting a drag queen in a new marvel comic series Ironheart”. -Jeremy Segal, Gateway Pundit

The show follows two female characters, Laura and Chrissy, as they attempt to lead a normal rural American life in the state of Delaware.

Laura and her daughter Chrissy are also Jewish. Quelle surprise.

Their Jewishness is something that the show’s writers plan to flesh out more in the first season.

“We did make Laura Jewish for a reason”, says the series co-creator Darcy Fowler.

Although asserting their characters’ Jewish faith is less duplicitous on the part of Disney’s writing staff than it would be to claim they were being written as secular characters, it’s probably not the most effective way to convince the Judenhassen that Jews are not, in fact, devil worshippers.

Yet making the wife of the devil and the mother of the antichrist a Jewess would still be fairly sensical, as the characters could hardly be Christian. And, after all, the Disney corporation itself has been wholly Jewish-owned for quite some time now.

Like Satanism, Judaism’s values are intrinsically opposed to Christian virtues.

Christ warned against Jews who reject him and named them sons of the devil who are not of God.

Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God”. -John 8:42-47

One can hardly blame Christians for presuming that Jews believe that artistic freedom is only important when exercised by those hostile toward Christianity.

Less than a century after the United States first permitted mass Jewish immigration in the name of religious toleration, it has lost its global influence, it is drowning in debt, it is demoralized in every sense of the term, it has been invaded by tens of millions of foreigners, and is now on the verge of complete political collapse.

Easily taken in by their self-serving and ahistorical “assimilationist” lies, there are still Christian Americans who, thoughtlessly, insist that it is the defining mission of Jews to strive to “heal the world” as mandated by the Jewish concept known as “Tikkun Olam”.

“There is no such thing as a mitzvah or commandment of ‘Tikkun Olam’. Jews are nowhere commanded to ‘repair the world’. In all the authoritative or traditional compilations of the commandments of Judaism, none list ‘Tikkun Olam’.  The expression itself does not appear anywhere in the Torah or in the entire Bible”. -Professor Steven Plaut, Israeli National News

With such indecorousness being displayed in plain sight, it should be considerably harder for Disney to pull the wool over the eyes of the God-fearing public and inhibit them from clearly seeing the wicked, rotting heart of today’s entertainment industry.

It is unquestionable that the destruction of Christianity, the European nations, and the Greco-Roman philosophical legacy that is at the core of the Hollywood agenda of these unrighteous corporations like the Walt Disney Company.